Welcome to D.T. Brown
Trading for more than a century, D.T. Brown initially supplied market gardeners in the north-west of England, before evolving into selling vegetable seeds by mail-order to home gardeners. Founded by David Brown, D.T. Brown are the fruit and vegetable experts, and we are committed to giving you the best-quality seeds at great, wallet-friendly prices. Keen vegetable growers like our range and the straight-forward advice that we give, so that they get the best results from growing their own.
Today, D.T. Brown is one of the UK’s leading seed suppliers, supplying you with a one-stop shop for your garden or allotment. We now offer an extended range of fruit and vegetables, including seeds, vegetable plants, potatoes, onions, garlic and shallots, soft fruit, flowering plants, bulbs and seeds, and gardening equipment.

A message from our founder
Mr David Brown
(Extracts from a message marking the 50th anniversary of the business in 1958.)
“ May I take this opportunity of thanking sincerely all those who have patronized my firm in the past fifty years. I commenced business on my own account in January 1908, convinced that there was room for a Seed Firm who would make “Quality” priority Number 1.
Growers require to have confidence in the seeds they purchase, and I feel satisfied that the firm of D.T. Brown & Co LTD., has established that confidence and that it will always be the endeavour of the firm to maintain and strengthen this in the future.”