Customer Top Tips

Customer Top Tips For Growing Courgettes & Marrows

Customer Top Tips For Growing Courgettes & Marrows
We ran a survey and asked our valued customers to submit their top tips for successfully growing courgettes and marrows. Some have been featured in our catalogues but we thought we would publish these online to allow other growers to benefit...

We must add that we haven't tried all of the hints and tips below but it may offer some insights to how other growers approach sowing and growing their courgettes and marrows.

  • Plenty of well rotted manure in ground before planting out.
  • I used chicken manure pellets or seaweed ... Both equally ok ... Outside grown (no greenhouse/polytunnel) ... Dad grows marrows & I think has a mat/straw around base of plant to keep off soil ...
  • Grow these on your rotting down compost heap. Not only does this free up space to grow other veg the yield is excellent and at the end the compost is will rotted down, friable and sweet smelling.
  • Do you really need any tips for these two prolific producers? No matter how I cosset or neglect them, the little darlings still overwhelm me with a seemingly never-ending supply throughout the season!
  • Leave plenty of room, at least 1 metre square for each plant.
  • Plant in a saucer shaped depression so that when water is given (and they like a lot) it stays in the vicinity of the plant rather than running off.
  • As courgettes get so big it's sometimes difficult to see where the stem is, so sticking a plant pot into the ground near the stem when initially planting out gives you a good guide as to the most effective place to aim for when watering the plant, and any water ending up in the pot will form an additional reservoir and percolate down to the roots.

Pim Dickson

Plant Expert

When Pim joined D.T. Brown, it was originally as a seed buyer, but now as our planting & sowing expert, he’s responsible for all horticultural and technical content, sharing his expertise in this catalogue, and through the growing advice and tips on our seed packets.

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