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Your Easy Gardening Seed Collection

SKU: 52222

10 Best selling varieties!

Within 10-14 days

A collection of our bestselling, must have seeds that are essential for any home or allotment vegetable grower.

This collection contains one pack of each:
French Bean (Dwarf) Primavera (100 Seeds)
Kale Nero di Toscana (500 Seeds)
Pea Kelvedon Wonder (100g of seeds)
Radish French Breakfast 3 (1000 Seeds)
Carrot Nandor F1 (500 Seeds)
Tomato Gardeners’ Delight AGM (50 Seeds)
Onion Exhibition (120 Seeds)
Beetroot Boltardy AGM (350 Seeds)
Lettuce Mixed Contrasts (500 Seeds)
Cauliflower All The Year Round (250 Seeds)

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