Viresco Soluble™ Soil Conditioner

SKU: 48236

25g packet

Delivered in 3-5 days

Sale price£12.95

Product Description

Viresco Soluble is a mixture of beneficial soil micro-organisms, enzymes, humic acids, fulvic acids and micronutrients. When VirescoTM Soluble is used, the level of microbial activity in soils and other growing media is vastly increased. This then enhances the growth of plants and subsequent yields, and makes the plant more resistant to various types of stress. The balance of micro-organisms in the growing medium is improved and as a result, fungal disease is suppressed.
Viresco Soluble :
Full instructions provided.
Many top vegetable growers and exhibitors swear by this range of Viresco microbial and Humate products to steal a march on their competitors. Both ranges give real benefits to all manner of plants in terms of a properly balanced soil, stronger and bigger root systems plus a healthier, more stress resistant plant.
"Having used Viresco products over the last 10 years or so, I would just like to say how pleased I have been with them. Since retirement, I have been growing vegetables full time for showing, in particular Giant Veg. and been fortunate to break two Heaviest Onion World Records together with several other kinds. The main Viresco products I have used during this period have been Humate Ag. & Ls, Mycorrhiza, Elixir, VirescoTM Soluble & Viresco Foliar. I have no scientific facts to support my continued use of these except for the successful produce I have grown". Peter Glazebrook, Holder of 5 World Records for Heaviest and Longest Vegetables
To apply, add the Viresco Soluble powder to water and allow it to dissolve slowly. Put one heaped teaspoonful (approximately 5g), in 1ltr of water. Stir gently, ensuring that the powder is mixed evenly in the solution. Once the product is in solution, agitate well to disperse the microbes and allow the solution to stand for a few hours before application. When dissolved, decant the solution into a second container and discard any undissolved residue. Add enough water to make up to 8ltr (ie a watering can). This solution will treat about 15 square metres.
For a spray, the water amount can be considerably less, say 2ltr. Apply evenly to the soil and then apply further water to wash the solution in. Use the solution within 24 hours of mixing. Apply twice a year, once at the start of the growing season, and the second during the season. Apply when soil temperatures are about 50°F (10°C).
* Fertiliser rates should be reduced by at least 30% and perhaps even as much as 50%.
Do not use the Viresco Soluble with chemicals - pesticides, fungicides or herbicides. If fungicides have been applied, Viresco Soluble can be used subsequently in order to re-introduce into growing media the beneficial micro-organisms that have been removed by the action of the fungicide. Leave two weeks before applying Viresco Soluble.
Store in a dry place, away from strong sunlight. Viresco Soluble will remain effective if kept dry for several years.
Viresco Soluble is non-toxic and harmless to animals.

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Genus Aquatic

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Genus Aquatic