Customer Top Tips

Getting Started

Getting Started

Feeding & Watering

To get the most from your plants they will also need a constant supply of nutrients. Adding compost and well rotted manure will add little in the way of nutrients, as their role is to improve the soil structure. To hold on to the nutrients, you will also need a fertiliser...

Weeding & Mulching

Yields for most crops will be reduced if weeds are allowed to take over. The plant’s growth will be limited as it competes with the weeds for light, space and nutrients....

Sowing Techniques

Which crops you grow determines how the seeds are sown. Some can be direct sown where they are to grow, others are sown in a seed bed and then transplanted to their final growing position, while others need to be sown indoors in pots of compost with some bottom heat....

Time Of Sowing

Although the seeds of some short-term crops such as radishes and of various indoor plants can be sown over a considerable period, this is not true of the majority. Due to the seasonality of our climate the sowing time is fairly critical for many, particularly half-hardy annuals and some vegetables, if satisfactory results are to be achieved...

Soil Preparation

The most important part of just about every plant is its root system. If the roots are healthy and growing well, then the rest of the plant is able to benefit. The roots are important for absorbing water from the soil, together with a whole host of nutrients...

Getting Started On The Allotment

You've finally been given the key to your allotment after what can be years of waiting - but where do you start? A plot that hasn't been cultivated for a while can be disheartening - overrun with perennial weeds, rubbish and with no structure...

Pricking Out Your Seedlings

Pricking out is an essential part of growing plants from seed. The aim of pricking out is to separate seedlings away from their, now competition to allow enough space for strong root systems to establish...

Pim Dickson

Plant Expert

When Pim joined D.T. Brown, it was originally as a seed buyer, but now as our planting & sowing expert, he’s responsible for all horticultural and technical content, sharing his expertise in this catalogue, and through the growing advice and tips on our seed packets.

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